Alleged Victim Taariq Noel, born October 25th, 1985 who was 16 years of age at the time of the trial was recorded in the transcripts as testifying against Dr. Malachi Z York. On July 12th, 2007 Taariq Noel signed an affidavit confirming that his original statements during the trial against Dr. Malachi Z. York were FALSE and INCORRECT. He said in his affidavit he felt pressured to make statements against Dr. York, specifically he states the following:
“9. The specifics of my testimony comes from stories that were forced on me by FBI agents Joan Cronier and Richard Moultrie. I felt trapped to go along with the allegations in order to protect my family including my mother “Barbara” Noel, and my sisters Nicole Lopez and Amala Noel from the threats of being incarcerated”
In addition to the Fact that Taariq Noel later admitted he lied on the stand, when he initially was taken into custody by FBI Agents Joan Cronier and Jalaine Ward, he made a declaration on his intake form that nothing ever happened to him. This information was brought up during the trial in which the following was stated:
“Patient currently denies abuse.”
Later a letter is sent to Taariq Noel by the United States Department of Justice Assistant United States Attorney for the Middle District, Richard Moultrie, in which he states:
“To speed up this process, I have enclosed a copy of the questions I plan to ask you at the trial. Do not show these questions to anyone else.”
Taariq was told let no one see this letter. Why would you need to re-read your own statement and Testimony if what you are saying are facts that you have personal knowledge of? You only have to memorize a script when you are acting. Here is that letter:
Finally in the affidavit in which Taariq Noel admits to lying on the stand against Dr. York, he goes on to state his age, and acknowledges that he was not forced to make any of the statements in this affidavit being fully aware he could face perjury charges. The Affidavit signed by Taariq Noel states the following:
I, TAARIQ NOEL, being frst duly sworn and being competent to testify and having
personal knowledge of the facts herein, states as following:
1. My name is Taariq Noel. I was bom October 25, 1985. I make this affidavit of my
own free will. No one has threatened or coerced me to make it. Nor have I been
offered anything of value in return for making this affidavit. I am prepared to
make this affidavit in order to tell the truth and let it be known.
2. I am hereby affirming that the majority of my testimony at the Federal criminal
trial of Dwight York (Malachi York) was false, specifically in thee area of my
personal sexual activity. I am also stating that I did not engage in any type of
sexual activity with Dr. York including oral sex or anal sex. Nor did I witness Mr.
York engage in sexual activity or any inappropriate sexual behavior with any
minors or adults.
3. I deny having any sexual involvement with Dr. York in upstate New York at age
7 or any age.
4. I deny having watched or seen any pornographic cartoons or inappropriate adult
material with Mr. York nor any adult specifically Chandra Lampkin “Najlaa” at
any time.
5. I deny being involved in any sexual activity or witnessing any inappropriate
behavior with Mr. York or any adults as I testified in court specifically Kathy
Johnson, Chandra Lampkin “Najlaa” or Khadijah Merit “Mucullah” while living
in Eatonton Georgia.
6- I deny having or witnessing any sexual intercourse including oral nor ansl
involving Khalid Eddington “Eddie”, Issa Johnson, and AMul Salaam
“Shilemooh” with Mr. York, Kathy Johnson, Chandra Lampkin ‘Najlaa’, or
Khadijah Merrit “Mucullah”.
7. I testified falsely against Malachi York, Kathy Johnson, Chandra Lampkin
‘Najlaa” and Khadijah Merit “Mucullah” for several reasons. The main reason
was the threats made against me by FBI agent Joan Cronier and FBI agent
Richard Moultrie. I was told by Joan Cronier that if I denied the allegations that
my mother would be incarcerated for fraud.
8. I did’nt know my legal rights and I was told that several individuals involved my name, falsely in these allegations. At that age you don’t know that you can disagree with the FBI.
9. The specifics of my testimony comes from stories that were forced on my by FBI agents Joan Cronier and Richard Moultrine. I felt trapped to go along with the allegations in order to protect my family including my mother “Barbara” Noel, and my sisters Nicole Lopez and Amala Noel from the threats of being incarcerated.