By Amun Em Hat Rayay
A Long Walk On A Short Path
Dr. Malachi Z. K. York has dedicated his career as an author and “Master Teacher” educating Africans and the Indigenous in the Americas, Caribbean, and Europe on the story of these peoples that are not found in contemporary educational systems in these areas. This includes the effect of Western Religion on these peoples, its influence and the teachers that brought this information to the Africans and Indigenous outside of Africa.
Dr. Malachi Kobina York speaking 19 different languages has not only taught as an Imam, Rabbi, and Reverend he has also published translations of the Holy Quran from Arabic to English, the Book of Revelations from Greek to English, and the Torah from Hebrew to English.
He has dedicated his entire being and life to the completion of this mission and has done just that by teaching in the various “schools of thought”, which is how Dr. Malachi York has titled religions, he has introduced to the minds of his people with just one main goal in mind which is enforcing Love of self and kind.
1). Ansar Pure Sufi: 1967-1970
2). Nubian Islamic Hebrews/ HebrewIsm 1969-1974
3). The Ansaaru Allah Community/ IslaamIsm 1970-1992
4). Nubian Hebrews1991-1993
5) Holy Tabernacle Ministry: 1993-1997
6). United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors/ MoorishIsm 1999 -2002
7). Holy Seed Baptist Synagogue/ Egiptian church of karast/ ChristIsm
8). United Nuwaupian Nation/ WU-NUWAP – Current school
- Nine Ball
- Bible interpretation and explanation
- Mechanics of the mind
- Fast of Ramadaan (1,2)
- A Family Guide to Easy Arabic Phrases
- Muslim Prayer book 1,2
- Al Imam Isa and The Computer
- Sons of Canaan
- Hadith (Allah’s Scripture Came First)
- The Muslim Woman
- Christ Is The Answer
- Contradictions of the Disciples
- El’s Qur’aan (chapter 1,2)
- Opening of the seventh seal (SECRET SOCIETIES UNMASKED)
- The Book of Revelation (chapter 13 version 1-18)
- How To Write Arabic (Simplified)
- Examples In Conjugation Of Arabic Verses
- Qur’aanic Arabic Lessons For The Nubian Islaamic Hebrews (Lesson 1-7)
- What is masjid?
- Black Race/Pale Race (Racism in Islaam 1,2,3)
- Muslim Prayer Book 1,2
- Islaam The True Faith
- Our Symbol
- Holy War
- Khutbats of Al Hajj (Pt 1&2)
- Who Was the Prophet Muhammad?
- Turban Jewels
- Ansaar village bulletin
- The Pictures of the Arabic alphabet
- Ansaar’s guide through the scriptures for better living (book 1-10)
- Book of the apostle john
- The Reading, The Qur’aan (30 Parts)
- The final link
- How many muslim really follow the holy qur’an
- The Raatib (for Shriners)
- The flag book
- Shaik daoud vs. W.D Fard
- Post graduate: the renewal of the lessons
- Prophecies of the honorable Elijah Muhammad
- Is The Holy Qur’aan a Product of man?
- Hadiyth (Pt 1 & 2)
- Tajwiyd (The Proper Reading of Qur’aan)
- The Holy Qu’ran, the last testamen (Vol. l, ll, lll)
- The Revelation Of Jesus (PBUH) The Messiah To The World (Book 1,2,3
- To the World
- The Raatib (UNSHAKABLE) of Imaam Al Mahdi
- Khutbahs (Sermon)
- Animals of the Bible
- How The Prophet Muhammad Read The Qur’aan
- Series of Hadiyth
- Teach Yourself Qur’aan
- How to Read the Qur’aan in Arabic
- As Sayyid Al Haadi Al Imaam Isa Al Haadi Explains the secret meaning of Qur’aan to the A’immah of Ansaaru Allah
- Gospel of John (book1-16)
- Gospel of Barnabas (book1,2,3,4)
- Learn the Language of the Scriptures
- The Supreme Mathematics of the Qur’aan
- Thus, Says Al Imaam Isa (Pt 1,2,3 and 4)
- Who are the we in the scriptures
- Was Christ Really Crucified?
- Christianity: a political Religion
- Christ is the Answer (Pt 1 & 2)
- The holy Shroud: Fact or Fiction?
- Jesus’ (PBUH) Disciples: For or Against Him?
- Contradictions of the Disciples
- Ahmad, Jesus’ Khalifat (Successor)
- The Real Personality of Jesus
- Paul, Disciple or Deceiver???
- The Day of the Pentecost
- Which Jesus do you Follow?
- Who Was Jesus Sent To?
- The Resurrection
- Was Jesus the son of god or the son of man?
- Who was Jesus Father?
- Who is the Messiah?
- What law did Y’shu’a (Jesus) follow?
- What race was Jesus?
- The missing years of Jesus
- The Wiseman
- Who Carried the Cross?
- The Death of Mary, The Mother of Jesus
- On this rock, I build my church
- what is the blood of Christ?
- The untold story of the messiah jesus (Pt l & ll)
- The true story of yusuf
- Who was the comforter?
- The book of light
- Thus, said Al’ Imaam Muhammad Ahmad Al Mahdi
- The Man of Miracles In this day and time (book 1,2)
- The prophet Muhammad and ali were Nubian (black) (Pt l & ll)
- You are Adam’s Descendant’s
- Women Who Have Change the Course Of History
- The book of Laam, fear no longer for I have arrived
- Who’s Who on The Planet Earth
- Hadrat Faatimah, The Daughter of the prophet Muhammad
- Who was Marcus Garvey?
- Call of the Mahdi in America
- About The Raatib (The Book Of The Mahdi)
- Who is Imaam Isa?
- The death of the martyr Al Haadi Abdur Rahman Al Mahdi
- Is Haile Salassie Christ?
- Jesus’ Christianity vs. Paul’s Christianity
- Could Jesus transform himself?
- The real messiah
- The real trinity
- Jesus as tammuz and horus in history
- The real Jesus
- glory of jesus the messiah
- who rolled the stone
- What is speaking in tongue?
- The three jesus
- Be prepared for the anti Christ
- Who carried the cross
- The Bride of Christ
- The titles of Jesus in the bible and koran
- Jesus found in Egipt
- I am the way
- What are angels?
- Yoruba
- The Tribe of Israel is no more
- Tribal Encyclopedia
- Great African Kings
- Arabic: Mother of all Languages
- Arabic made easy (Pt.1)
- Teach yourself Arabic (Pt.2)
- Family guide to easy Arabic phrases
- Arabic Reader
- Arabic, The first language
- Arabic Math Book One
- Learn how to tell time in Arabic
- Children book of Arabic
- Children book of Arabic
- The children’s first book in the Arabic language
- Simplified religious book of Arabic – children’s edition
- The family guide to easy Arabic phrases
- The Dog
- Leviathan 666
- Did the Hog come for mankind?
- The PaleMan
- Who are the Sons Of Canaan
- Was Adam black or white
- The millennium book (pt.1-2)
- Spell of leviathan 666 (the spell of kingu) pt.1-2
- Leviathan the beast as the anti-christ
- The Luciferian conspiracy
- Secret societies unmasked
- Men Who Dress In Women’s Clothes
- Polytheism: The worship of the Canaanites
- Opening of the seventh seal, Secret Societies Unmasked
- What and Where is hell? (Pt.l & ll)
- Who, What & Where is the Devil (Pt.l & ll)
- Prehistoric man and animals, did they exist?
- He’s a Disease
- Who are the lepers in the bible?
- The media: (the board of education) of the devil
- The year 2,000 and what to expect
- Bilaal, The Sceptre Bearer
- Who was the prophet Mustafa Muhammad Al Amin (Pt. l & ll)
- Muhammad Ahmad al Mahdi, the only true MAHDI (Pt.l & ll
- Thus, Said the prophet Mustafa Muhammad Al Amin
- Forgotten Tribe of Kedar (HWON)
- Will send Elijah (PBUH), Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the lord
- The true story of Noah (part 1,2)
- The Final Word
- The True Story of The Abraham
- Seminars of As Sayyid Imaam Isa Al Haadi Al Mahdi
- Who Was the Prophet Jonah (Pbuh?)
- The message of the messenger is right an exact: The Book of Laam (Pt.1)
- The message of the messenger is right an exact: The Book of Laam (Pt.2)
- The True Story of Cain and Abel
- Who was Shaykh Daoud? The true faith, the religion of humanity
- Who was Noble Drew Ali?
- I don’t Claim to be
- The true story of Adam (PBUH) and Eve
- The true story of Enoch (IDRIYS, PBUH)
- Al Imaam Isa vs The Computer
- Catalog of books
- The travels of a Sufi
- Wadhiyfah: The science of sound right healing (Series, Book 1-4)
- The Sacred Egiptians Initiation
- Islaamic Poetry
- Islaamic Music
- Islaamic Festivals and Ceremonies
- Islaamic Marriage Ceremony and Polygamy
- Thoughts of Muslim Women in Poetry
- Islaamic Cookery
- Islaamic Cooking Book
Children’s Fables of Amir Abdullah - Islaamic Games for Muslim Children, Bk.1
- Back To The Beginning (The Book Of Names)
- Why the beard?
- Our symbols
- Muslim prayer book (Vol.1 &2)
- Hajj
- The Lost Children of Mu and Atlantis
- Why the NoseRing?
- Fast of Ramadaan
- The muslim man
- Why do muslim women wear the face covering (veil)?
- Dietary law of a Muslim
- The Sex Life Of A Muslim Pt.1&2
- What is a Muslim
- What is a prophet
- Intoxication is a sin!!
- The true origin of martial arts
- Muslim Funeral Rites
- English/Arabic, Arabic/English vocabulary
- How to learn to write Arabic
- Simplified Arabic grammer
- Read In Arabic for beginners
- Beginners Arabic (Simplified Arabic Reading)
- The pictures of the Arabic alphabet, Arabic reading (Bk.1 & 2)
- Simple steps to teach your children Arabic reading (Bk.1 & 2
- Arabic religious classes (for Muslim children)
- The Arabic PenmanShip Book
- Examples and conjugation of Arabic verbs
- Teach your children to write Arabic
- Islaamic marriage contract
- The Fallacy of Christmas: Santa or satan
- Halloween
- The Fallacy of Easter
- Is valentine’s day a Christian holiday?
- Menstruation
- Islaamic beauty aids & customs
- Maintenance and health (Bk.2)
- Discipline and Organization (Bk.3)
- Significance of a Lie (Bk.4)
- Bringing up the Children (Bk.5)
- Medicinal Herbs of the Scriptures (Bk.6
- Conversation (Bk.7)
- Dressing (Bk.8)
- Walking (Bk.9)
- Etiquette’s on Retiring to bed (Bk.10)
- Purification laws for Ansaarullah women in islaam
- Ansaars guide through the scriptures for Muslim inmates
- Holy war
- Children’s book of Arabic (Ed.1)
- Slave Trade
- Racism in islaam (Pt.1&2)
- Sacrifice: An according of islaam
- You Must Be Born Again (part 1,2)
- Whatever Happened to The Islaamic Hebrews?
- Should Muslims Observe the Sabbath?
- Why so many kinds of Muslims?
- Where is the tabernacle of the most high? (part1,2)
- The true star of islaam
- Our flag the true banner of islaam
- Are Pictures a Sin?
- Talisman
- Science Of Healing
- The number nineteen supreme mathematics
- From Allah To Man
- Why Allah should not be called god
- Eternal life after death
- Adam’s Calendar
- The zodiac
- Science of the pyramids
- 7 days of creation
- Allah’s Creation, The Human body
- ChildBirth and Reproduction
- Science of Creation
- Ancient Egypt and the pharaohs
- Our universe
- Who are the real Arabs?
- Who and what are you?
- Who was Christ sent to?
- Are you a racist?
- What are human beings?
- Who created Allah
- Who is Melchisedek?
- The 1,000 year rapture
- Let’s trap the devil
- Which is the first language
- Signs of the end of the end of the world (Matthew 24)
- The hadiyth
- Is Allah man or not?
- Know your language
- Muslims according to Qur’aan
- Are Puerto Ricans (latinos) Muslims?
- Jesus the messiah in truth
- Faith of Job
- Who was Jesus praying to?
- Fall of modern Babylon (Rev.18)
- Jesus your personal savior
- Revelation chapter9
- Muhammadism
- The influence of John the Baptist
- Are you a Seraphim or a Cherubim?
- The 200 fallen angels
- The return of Jesus
- Why use the book of the new testament?
- Who is the comforter
- Are the Edomite’s the white race?
- Which Jesus do you worship?
- Is Allah name Jehovah
- Gog and Magog (Rev.20)
- Many are called but few are chosen
- Slave trade
- Persecution of righteous
- The Crucifixion
- Persecution of the leaders
- By which book are you saved?
- The nine spirit of the messiah
- Are there human devils?
- What is the resurrection?
- Angelic descendants on earth
- The walking dead
- The holy spirit
- The media and the devil
- Marriage and laws
- What laws did Jesus follow?
- Who was Jesus’ father?
- The reformer
- Aider of Allah
- Al islaam the true way of life
- Was Jesus Emanuel?
- Is there a curse on blacks
- The fall of satan
- Is nature man’s worst enemy?
- Polygamy
- What is man’s purpose?
- Aids & Homosexuality
- The messiah David (Psalms)
- Tribes of Canaan today
- Dinosaurs and Evolution
- Message to the black man
- To hate is a sin
- I swear by the time
- The final calling
- The many facts of Jesus Christ (PBUH)
- Judgment day
- The mothership
- Fall of modern day Babylon (Rev.18)
- Truth is truth
- Jesus the messiah in truth (chapter.8)
- Which resurrection is yours
- Where is your faith
- The crucifixion of David
- Does the PaleMan have a soul?
- The devil is a man
- We are not like you (Sunni Moslems)
- The fake Sunni Muslims religion
- Murderers
- Join us
- Diynu Allah/Diynul Islaam
- The prophet or Apostles
- Nisfu min Shabaan (the 100 rakaats)
- Get behind me satan
- Genetics of mankind
- Nubian nation
- Wolves in sheep clothing
- You’ve been programed
- The lords prayer (psalms.23)
- Kosher (gaaez)
- Divine dress
- Minaarah
- Did we love the covenant?
- Mezuza (the doorpost)
- Was Muhammad a Hebrew?
- Our own flag
- Black devils
- You’re not black you’re brown
- Mohammadans deceive Ethiopians
- The fallen angels
- The covenant of the circumcision
- Answer to the five percent
- Mohammad followed the torah
- Disciples or deceivers
- Adams knowledge vs. his faith
- Bar Mitzvah
- Where are the fallen angels today?
- Nubian woman
- Women coming from behind the veil
- Mohammadans worship a man (the new image of the beast)
- Is god dead
- Cashless society
- Rosh ha shana
- The fall of mohammadism
- Yon kippor
- The people of earth before adam
- Religious confusion
- Sukkot
- Islaamism or Arabism
- Our 400 year bondage
- Khanukah
- The two messiahs
- On love
- Purim
- Let my people go
- The man and woman relationship
- The lord of lords
- Passover and Elijah
- Who are the sons of japheth
- Who is a prophet?
- Living under the sun
- Who named the angels?
- The HipHop generation
- The serpent
- The messiah in genesis
- Genesis two
- Genetics
- Count down to the last day
- Cain and abel (genesis four)
- Changing the black mind
- Mess of the mohammadans
- El- Elohim- allah- allahuma
- Book of jude
- Genesis 5
- The Elohim
- Right knowledge
- The light in you
- Was E’ls Qur’aan tampered with?
- The star of Abraham
- Egyptology
- Overstanding
- People of the sun
- Land of Kodesh
- The savior
- Women of the scriptures
- Peaceful Sabbath
- The truth of the scriptures
- The true faces of the men of the scriptures
- Circumcision
- The faces of the people of the scriptures
- Are there Orientals in the bible?
- The making of disciples
- True story of the beginning
- In the 60’s
- 666- mark of the beast
- Are you still eating pork?
- Seven heads, ten horns
- Prophecy fulfilled
- Muhammad was a Hebrew
- If Jesus returns then what?
- Nebuchadnezzar Era
- Collage of truth
- Nubic language/ Fallacy of Halloween (revised)
- First language (revised)
- Right knowledge (revised)
- The lost tribe (revised)
- Our true roots (revised)
- Our bondage (revised)
- The bible is his story
- Right knowledge
- Mythology (revised)
- The bible is his-story
- What is Nawau-bu?
- Breaking the spell
- Garden of Eden (revised)
- What is nawaupu? (revised)
- Leviathan 666 (revised)
- Lets set the record straight
- Rizq and Illyuwn: fact or fiction?
- Nuwaubu and Amunnubi Rooakhptah: the fact or fiction?
- Are there black devil?
- Does Dr. Malachi Z. York try to hide the fact that he was Imaam Issa?
- Nibiru and the anunnaqi: fact or fiction?
- People of the sun
- vs the computer
- The great balls of fire cast at earth
- The religion islam unmasked
- “GOD” “God” “god” what is the difference?
- The body parts of god
- What is god doing for you?
- Let’s talk about the end
- God misinterpreted
- Is god a wimp?
- Where is the devil today?
- Does the new testament contradict the koran?
- Whose god is responsible?
- Does god and the devil exist?
- What is gods language?
- Does god need religion?
- Does religion breed ignorance?
- Does god help his own?
- Is Jesus the god of the koran?
- Is Jesus the god of the koran? (revised)
- Who is god?
- God gave the sign to Jonah
- Fake gods false Christ
- Does god need love?
- Who is soul and spirit?
- The holy tabernacle family book (sayings)
- Is the Koran authentic?
- Is Jesus god?
- Sodom misinterpreted
- Is there life after death?
- Is this hell?
- Human were created from
- Is god an extra-terrestrial?
- Did god create the devil
- Is there a god (jews exposed pt.1)
- Is there a god (Muslim’s exposed pt.2)
- Is there a god (Christians exposed pt.3)
- Conflict between the gods (revised)
- Koran chapter 1-2
- Koran chapter 3-4
- Koran chapter 5-6
- Koran chapter 7-8
- Koran chapter 9-10
- Revelation
- Chapter 1-22
- Exodus – The Torah 2
- Chapter 1-12
- Exodus – The Torah 2
- Chapter 12-22
- Exodus – The Torah 2
- Chapter 22-31
- Exodus – The Torah 2
- Chapter 31-40
- Exodus – The Torah 2
- Genesis The Torah 1
- Chapter 1-13
- Genesis The Torah 1
- Chapter 13-26
- Genesis The Torah 1
- Chapter 26-37
- Genesis The Torah 1
- Chapter 37-50
- Leviticus The Torah 3
- Chapter 1-13
- Leviticus The Torah 3
- Chapter 13-27
- Numbers The Torah 4
- Chapter 1-9
- Numbers The Torah 4
- Chapter 9-19
- Numbers The Torah 4
- Chapter 19-29
- Numbers The Torah 4
- Chapter 29-36
- Deuteronomy The Torah 5
- Chapter 1-10
- Deuteronomy The Torah 5
- Chapter 10-24
- Deuteronomy The Torah 5
- Chapter 24-34
- Ezra chapter 1-10
- Debates with Christians (series Bk.1-10)
- Debate with Muslims (series Bk.3)
- Q & A, Debate and Discussion (series Bk.4)
- Q & A, Debate and Discussion (series Bk.5)
- Q & A, Debate and Discussion (series Bk.6)
- Q & A, Debate and Discussion (series Bk.7)
- Debates with Jehovah’s witnesses (Bk. 1-8)
- 360 Question to ask a Hebrew Israelite (Pt.1-4)
- 360 Question to ask a Christian (Pt.1-4)
- 360 Question to ask the Israeli church
- 360 Question to ask Orthodox Sunni Muslims (Pt. 1-7)
- The Holy Sabbath
- Bane Mitzwah Ceremony
- Circumcision Ceremony
- The Birth Ceremony
- Baptism Ceremony
- Marriage Ceremony
- Naming Ceremony
- Man from Planet Rizq
- Science of creation
- Mission earth and the extraterrestrial involvement
- Who lived before Adam and Eve story?
- The mystery clouds, are they UFO’S?
- Are there (UFO’S) extraterrestrials in our midst?
- Shamballah and aghaarta, cities within the earth
- Melanite children
- Extraterrestrial and creation
- Muslim’s creed true or false
- Enoshites- key to eternal life
- Extra-Terrestrial (U.F.O’S) Among us.
- El’s holy tablets (pt. 1,2,3 and 4)
- El’s holy torah
- El’s holy injiyl
- E’ls holy tehilim (psalms)
- E’ls holy Qur’aan (the noble koran)
- Black book
- Gold book
- the prophet
- scroll of malachi
- the book of the dead (coming forth by day)
- your potential (revised
- the mind (revised)
- the book of light
- sacred wisdom of Tehuti
- The Degree of Moses-Ism
- The Degree of Christ-Ism
- The Degree of Muhammad-Ism
- The little guide book for nuwaubians
- The holy tabernacle family book
- Holy tabernacle’s guide to better living
- Nuwaubian taful (prayer)- revised
- El maguraj- the pilgrimage (revised)
- Nuwaubain calander
- Grandma’s words of wisdom
- The teacher’s guide to the nuwaupian language
- Nuwaupic grammer
- Nuwaupic at a glance
- Nuwaupic simplifie
- Esoteric or exoteric
- The egiptian deities in your mind
- You and the ancient egiptian order
- The spinx and egiptian magic
- The holographic brain
- The eyes tunnel vision to the soul
- Ancient egiptian wisdom
- The wisdom of the egiptian mystic
- Amun-Hotep son of hapi
- Spoken words of ancient egiptians
- Ancient egipt and the magic word of power
- Egiptian thoughts
- The sacred tones
- The original egiptians were negroid
- Magic word of ra
- The egiptian book of Anubis
- Its alignment time
- Charms and amulets
- The ancient egiptian sacred geometry
- Link to the deities
- The 9 principles in the human being
- Bad habits
- Communication with the deities
- Pa ashutaat (the prayer)
- Being an egiptians initiate
- Ancient egiptian materialization rites
- Egiptian secret on concetration
- The breath
- The egiptian healing temple ritual
- The ancient egiptian martial arts
- The ancient egiptian law and order
- WU-NUPU the game of the ancient egiptian order
- E.O constituon
- The bes kept secrets are best kept sacred (mum’s the word).
- The decision
- Spalms of Yaanuwn
- E.A.
- F.C.
- M.M.
- Hams seed
- Paa gatut(revised)
- Aset, asar, nebtat, wu satukh
- Void and darkness
- Enki as creator
- Feeding the forces(revised)
- The destroyer
- Celtics(revised)
- Paa Quadity(revised)
- Wu-Nuwaupu(revised)
- Zdihuti’s vision(revised)
- Nuwaupians ontologist of time
- The procession change
- Interrogate to integrate the ingredient
- Birth of religion
- Emotional energy
- Tones sounds DNA molecules vibrational frequencies
- Who is god female or male?(revised)
- The lost records of time
- Image of the beast
- 18+18+1=37 Genes of mitochondrial DNA
- the gospel of YaaNuwn on the sacred feminine, the lotus of life.
- Who you are not what you accept
- Genetic kiss
- The cycles
- Existence how and why?
- Is egiptian ontology or mythology?
- Big foot
- The supreme beings, melanin-ite beings
- The proof
- Neuroscience of Wunuwaup
- The god of light and fire
- Intelligent design, Divine design or plot of alien?
- Sex, minds and slave
- Natural ether energy
- The guidance
- Good and evil
- Akasha records
- You need me I don’t I don’t need you
- Hell, on earth
the way - The monkey and the tree
- Fact of facts
- The last will be standing
- What kind of god are you really worshiping
- The warner
- Woe nuwaupians
- “A proclamation” “fruits”
- what fools ye mortals be
- three types of love
- our sacred feminine
- Your children
- The accused
- Diagnosis of the race
- Paa antkuum
- Ranankuum
- Atlantis
- The unclean issue
- The nuwaupian man
- The dimensional shift
- The prism
- Djedi wu zdahuti-mus
- Paa paut, the all expanding
- The planet earth is women
- Creators, fashioners and makers
- The ghost
- the argument
- The minds eyes
- Paa banan-u
- Goddess creators
- The golden children
- Conscious being
- power of the language
- black is evil, white is good
- black magic white magic
- sex force spirit force
- soul, soul, spirit, spirit
- thirty spirits
- sarab-u wu karab-u
- soulmates
- the flood
- division
- kalal A’aaruf awuw tem A’aaruf
- Rams as lambs
- Relaxation
- Fret, chafe, worry
- Speaking of tongue
- The age of the adamites past
- Our tone wavelength “A”
- The instigators
- The formation
- The emotion and the apostates
- Wu-Nuwaup commandments on sexual violations
- Concentration
- I was there which is here Pt.1
- I was there which is here Pt.2
- Birth of earth and the matrix
- Black dot, helix, and mind link mine linked
- Your dimensional links, nabat, the sacred ash
- No help from above, judgment upon the adamites
- The Secret of the tones and the mafkhuzhat “elixir of life”
- Factology of time
- The bloodlust and religion
- Ancient signs of speech
- The cycles of life and death
- The jewels of my divine eyes
- The ultimate reality
- Divide and conquer
- Salvation
- Those who lie and the who deceive Pt.1-2
- The adamites law on killing and those who replace them
- The tree of life
- A nation of our own Pt.1-2
- The spiritual you after the physical you dies
- The truth
- The physical ether
- The designer genes
- Many names
- The twenty-four elders Pt.1-2
- Trapped by way of religion
- The Annunaqi and the Biblical and Quraanic race
Rev. Dr. Malachi Z York is a man of so many profound books as you can see above, he has authored hundreds upon hundreds of books while still finding time to verbally teach classes that reached ears from all walks of life. And it all started right here in the heart of New York city,