15 Responses

  1. The reestablishment of the one Umnah we need the unity within ourselves let unite and stop self-impositions

  2. This new group(Kafo) is misleading the people they have to follow The Supreme Islamic council Gambia
    Islam is one it’s not like politic when this party say so other say that
    We have to be united let reestablish the one Ummah

  3. All the Muslims Ummah in the Gambia has to follow the Supreme Islamic Council.(SIC). #3 years JOTNA #barrow must go before it is too late.

  4. Rawdatul Natalia shall stop what they making in the Gambia!!! Everyone wants to flow true we all know rawdatul majalis is the biggest problem the Gambia!!! This group is a fake group!!!!!!!!!

  5. Barrow fails Muslims becos he prefer democracy dan islam most of his speech he emphasizes "we are democratic state" may Allah save Gambia Muslims

  6. Why all these shit hole’s now?it’s not shameful to we so called Muslims causing all sort’s of differences within ourselves both politically and now up to religious levels all these nonsense aren’t happened in Christianity and if the government doesn’t take any measure to end these it might result nastily something need to be done (using Allah’s name for fame whilst the heart’s are full of evil wishes)bad charm’s to one another. Fuck that !!

  7. I am a gambian military but Barrow is not a president .if he don’t step down we will kill each other u are speaking nonsense .Barrow is basta

  8. am not a political activist the thing here is Barrow should come out and deliver him self that he can’t continue rule this country, is beyond his level please please please barrow come talk with people and you declare your self that you can not Run this country setup, come out too your people you talk with them before December i thing this is the right time to dis-cause with Gambian people to facilitate with them before December as what you agree with us as 3YEARS Only. if not we’ll come out in Battalions to see if the power is belongs to you or the citizen of the Gambia.

  9. In Saudi no person is dere to against suprime council den y Gambia Jammeh wants unity so who against supreme council shuld b punish

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