Ebola: Why the deadly outbreak in Congo is spreading so quickly
A deadly Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo in August 2018 has seen 2,000 cases of the virus confirmed in the following eight months, and has been blamed for more than 1,400 deaths.
Agencies attribute the rapid spread of the virus across the DRC on a deadly conflict within the Congo, misinformation surrounding treatments, porous and informal border crossings, and the United Nations’ failure to recognize the situation as an international public health emergency.
So what can be done to slow Ebola’s advancements?
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Good luck, Ebola-chan!
so that USA pigdogs can enter other peoples countries under the pretext of helping them. check out who owns the patents for ebola
Can’t wait for 2020
Как жалко детишек, у них такие глаза, аж комок в горле!
Don’t get vaccinated people
The walking dead
The average IQ in Congo is 76……..
Goma’s next. Another death. 2020 is going to be surreal.
Well, the average girl there by the age of 12 is RAPED, maybe that helps spread Ebola?
Today…(July 17) WHO did declare International Emergency because Ebola "jumper" into city of 2 million in Uganda. That city has flights OUT. You think people won’t flee ?
Me deepest Respect to all the health care workers Fighting and Risking there Lifes for our Safety
If the vaccine worked, then America would had received it . So I don’t believe it works or the people are getting it from the vaccine
Việt nam like cái
My God have mercy on them.
The level of ignorance on the comments is alarming. Global news shouldn’t allow comments on news like this.
Border problem? haha, really a porous border problem. Where do we place the blame for a border problem? The globalist corporate left?
What is the chance of the us haveing this disease?
The elites are spreading ebola in africa
Depopulation plan
Ebola is looking for his creators… He will return to work them.
All praise to The Most High.
Past outbreaks of Ebola have NOT been stopped by isolating the victims and vaccinating everyone who came in contact with that victim. Rather, past outbreaks of Ebola have been stopped by isolating the victims, period. If you are "vaccinating everyone who came in contact with that victim," then you should also be isolating everyone who came in contact with that victim. If you are not instituting FULL QUARANTINE, including "all potentially exposed to Ebola" then you are NOT stopping Ebola, you are simply gambling.
550 from Congo arrested at Mexican/US boarder in May. ISIS has a major presence in Congo. Care to predict future news headlines?
Oh well, they’ll only end up in Europe anyway. Hard to feel sorry.
They are just dirty people.
I hate how people are making jokes about this its absolutely disgusting. If ur gonna make fun of the disease why dont you see how it feels to have it or losing your mother or father to the disease. People need to learn how to be more mature. Dying isnt a joke.
As long as there’s a market and a taste for "bush meat" Ebola will continue to be problem!
Its not a crisis yet because it hasnt left a 3rd world country. That it?
It spreads by touching so STOP TOUCHING
Time for whitey to completely pull out of Africa, and let nature take it’s course.
Ebola another gift to the world from Africa.
Their last gift AIDS was great it was the gift that just keeps giving
Congo isn’t that one of the areas new Canadians come from ?
Hope they are being screened!
Oh I am sure they are , Ralph Goodall will keep us safe
Of course, helping the afflicted undermines the power of the local witch doctors and imans. Why stay and help in an environment where the political/religious system touts killing of infidels. Obviously no consideration is given to those who wish help. Sad.
Stop eating bush meat, that’s how you get the sickness
We shut down Airports and put Africa in isolation till it either gets the green light or red to start bombing with Napalm to burn out Ebola
The gloves these medics are using I wouldn’t use cleaning my motorcycle with they are useless as are the masks and coveralls for a high level biohazard.. Also there is no cure for the aids sister virus.
So dig deep and keep sending money to fuel the armed conflicts over there and don’t bother to educate The population on the dangers of eating Bush meat, burial traditions and everything else that might give them a chance of life and stop spreading the deadly disease.
Close our borders now .