A look inside Gambia’s infamous Mile 2 prison
The Gambia’s new president will formally be sworn in on Saturday which is also the country’s independence day.
Hundreds of prisoners hope the day will also bring their release.
Al Jazeera’s Nicolas Haque reports from inside one of the prisons in Banjul.
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This prison was built by the British
Jammeh govement is coming to join the mile 2 in December don’t worry God is v.fair
the government will never care for the people
This prinson have to be renew is very bad to put heman beings in this kind of prisons
some people talk without knowing what they saying let us be careful of what we have to say
Why not. Exclusive for Al jazzera.. Belong to same regime who kills kashogi…
6yrs for a bottle of milk then get beaten is rediculous. He should have jst been fined then released
Next step after the media is gone: torture the prisoners!😂😂😂😕
Why are we so unorganized 😢🤔
Nothing anyone can do to change things..only report it n still nothings going to be done?
Do not Rob,,Rape ,steal, or murder.
6 years for milk that’s a joke. And the woman don’t want to speak up because they are probably raped and if they speak up they will be killed. How can someone in there right mind do this to another human. I literally feel sorry for them they probably don’t even have a lawyer to defend any claim against them and just a corrupt judge.
Primitive third world toilet country
Point of correction?
Who build this prison Pres Daouda Jawara or Pres Yahya Jammeh
This is how people are treated in the Gambia mile 2 and etra Judiciary killings was common during his reign.
Was it diamond laced milk he stole?
The prison superintendent is lying
He look at the camera and said we don’t torture prisoners 😱
Any house in gambia looks like a prison
6yrs for stealing 🥛 wow unbelievable.. what’s Gambia turning into???
if this is true i will hate the Gambian government
Commonly known as Africa North Korea
prison director is lie did touch up Boise womens and mens
Cheikh Somai Foundation
I feel sorry for this people’s look how dirty that place is😂🤣
Very sad
for a low GDP country their prison in better conditions than many in india and middle East
stupid country
we are all Gambias we know how things is going in Gambia stop lie
*_Sick in my stomach Subhan Allah 6 years behind bar for stealing a bottle of milk that man should be released immediately and the government should send it sincerely apologize and compensated_*
It is called PRISON for a reason
Crime should be low around that joint.. for some milk? them brothers not playing around..
Preson hve no right in diz world kindly avoid to voilant dem
same thing happens in NIgeria’s ‘kirikiri’, most certainly worse
This must be one of those "shitholes" I keep hearing about. That seems accurate.
All thanks to the tyranny of Yahyah Jammeh. Alhamdulillah for his removal and banishment🇬🇲🔥
who cares
Whether you thief milk or steal a cow! A thief is a thief and thieves will murder
I’m from Gambia and this breaks my heart 🇬🇲
Please also do a documentary about their crimes and how it affect the community.
This documentary is so one sided e.g 6 years for stealing milk but not say anything about how much is milk is valued in Gambia.
Some people go for a year without seeing a milk and this thief come and simply steal it…Milk is like Gold in Gambia
Are you kidding me?in Gambia 🇬🇲 they don’t sell milk bottles
is a lie they touchur an kill
Those who have talked is playing chess with the fellow upstairs by now😂
no wonder when they come to england they think our jails are like holiday camps .
This prison looks like sona in prison break
To be honest that is crazy. 6 years for stealing a bottle of milk?