The Role of ECOWAS in Achieving the Economic Integration of West Africa
Africa Program
Dr. Chambas first presented a brief history of ECOWAS and then a more detailed perspective of the current regional situations and challenges that are being (or should be) addressed. He pointed out that the original vision of the Founding Fathers of ECOWAS was one of intraregional commerce and cooperation, which was both ambitious and visionary, being 30 years ahead of the current globalization trend.
Panelists: Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Dr. Chris Fomunyoh
Ja sam Antun Vidiš iz Croatia.Iszraživali ste novac u BTCI banci u Kome.Još uvijek nisam dobio novac jer me Umar Oko ucjenjuje i stalno traži još novaca kako bi mi prebacio novac za koji sam i vama platio zadržavanje.Molim da provjerite banku i gdje je završio moj novac.Slobodno me kontaktirajte.Hvala.
cooi daddy
Why does west africa have french currency? Lets get our own.