Cyril Ramaphosa sworn in as president of South Africa | DW News
The ANC’s Cyril Ramaphosa has been inaugurated as president of South Africa, after being returned to office in elections earlier this month. Ramaphosa promised a ‘new dawn’ for South Africa. The country suffers from high crime, slumping economic growth and high unemployment. His presidency follows a corruption scandal that brought down his predecessor, Jacob Zuma. The inauguration took place in a stadium in Pretoria with regional leaders in attendance.
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Steal as much as you can while you can. Ignorance is bliss
Our people he says?? You eat each other! I hope he does good for his people. JOBS JOBS JOBS No jobs then death….
Maybe South Africa needs a new party, the ANC have been in power for too long.
This guy will destroy South Africa… because of ilitiracy is easy to fool them … knowledge is freedom … he knows that
Corruption is the constant bane of all governments. It’s measure usually equals the blaming of others for their problems.
Nice one Cyril nice one son.
All borders in every state in Africa should be open to free trade and movement between Africans
Greetings from KENYA! 🇰🇪
I hope he can stop the demise of our nation
Seguro es un corruptazo de primera.
May God Jesus help us all, We know he has stolen and averting funds of $19 million to spend on his campaign.
South Africa should ally with China and build infrastructure, fight western hegemony
What does "new dawn" mean? Accelerating the movement towards communism and becoming a satellite state of China?
His ascent is like nelson mandela
Stamp,out corruption. Education is the key.
First official visit: Kim leader