Judge Charles Ashley Royal, nominated by former President George W. Bush on December 21, 2001 violated both the Code of Conduct for United States Judges and 28 U.S.C. §455(a) and (b) when Chief Judge Charles Ashley Royal exhibited a conflict of interest, Judicial Misconduct, Religious Profiling, discrimination, prejudice and a biased stance in related civil and criminal cases involving Dr. Malachi Z.K. York (incorrectly known as Dwight York) and members of the Yamassee Native American tribe / United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors, when Chief Judge Charles Ashley Royal presided over these issues without him recusing himself pursuant to 28 USC § 455 (a)(b)(1)(2).
In 1998 Mrs. Shalimah Richardson, was a Plaintiff in the Shalimar Richardson & Laverne Richardson vs. Oconee Regional Medical Center Case # 98-cv-34669 where Chief Judge Charles Ashley Royal served as a civil attorney for the Oconee Regional Medical Center (State Bar No.617350) (09/09/1998). The Law Suit against Oconee Regional Medical Center was in reference to “Negligence and the Death” of Mrs. Shalimah Richardson’s biological Father Reverend Eli Richardson who prior to his death was the Tribal leader amongst Nuwaubians (The Tribe Dr. York was charged RICO for) and Church pastor for the Yamassee Native American Moors. Shalimah Richardson and Dr. Malachi Kobina York, a defendant in the United States of America vs. Malachi Z York, Dwight York Case# 5:02-CR-27(CAR)- reassigned to Chief Judge C. Ashley Royal and son-in-law of Reverend Eli Richardson, have three DNA Children and were legally married under the 1998 O.C.G.A. statues governing Common Law Marriage; Their 3 children being Hadassah Richardson born 03/02/92, Elizabeth Richardson born on 05/10/94, and Rameses Richardson.
Whereas in 2002 in case#: 5:02-CR-27(CAR) against the Defendant Dr. Malachi K. York Judge; Charles Ashley Royal should have recused hisself rather then to convene or conduct a trial of Dr. Malachi K. York due to his relationship to Shalimah Richardson.. A Common-Law Marriage is legally binding according to O.C.G.A which states:
- Code Ann.§ 19-3-1.1 (1997) “No common-law marriage shall be entered into this state on or after January 1, 1997. Otherwise valid common-law marriages entered into prior to January 1, 1997, shall not be affected by this Code section and shall continue to be recognized in this state.”
The Richardson Family also resided at 404 Shadydale Rd., Eatonton GA 31024. Ethel Richardson, DNA mother of Shalimah Richardson, the Rev. Eli Roosevelt Richardson’s legal wife of 20yrs was the Grantee on the Quit Claim Deed for 404 Shadydale Rd on 2/8/2002 which was the location of the Church where the Nuwaubians congregated and Rev Eli Roosevelt Richardson was the known head of the property. To the left you will see the deed of record dating back showing Eli Richardson’s ownership of the property.
In 1998 during the court hearings at the Superior Courthouse of Baldwin County during the lawsuit of Shalimah Richardson & Laverne Richardson, Dr. Malachi Kobina York (falsely known as Dwight York or Dwight D York) accompanied his wife Shalimah Richardson at the hearings on April 12th, 1999, September 20th, 1999, March 13th, 2000, August 7th, 2000, February 12th, 2001, July 7th, 2001 and January 14th, 2002, Whereas Chief Judge C. Ashley Royal recognized the couple dressed in distinct Nuwaubian attire which is the most distinct attire of any community in the State of Georgia, Nuwaubians dressed based on their “African” and Native American ancestral garments. The Church which was positioned on an Egyptian and Native American themed village at the property on 404 Shadydale Rd. Eatonton Georgia known as “Tama Re” made it into the news countless times. This is inclusive of National News interviews including Fox News, Time Magazine, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Macon Telegraph, Eatonton Messenger as well as June 26th the Annual Saviours Day which brought a record Hundreds of thousands of people out to the festival on record with Putnam County. Whereas Chief Judge C. Ashley Royal had knowledge of our tribe pursuant to 42 USC § 1986. In Shalimah Richardson’s case against Oconee regional Medical Center, they went onto admit negligence; Counsel C. Ashley Royal then withdrew from participation in this case, on the 17th of January 2002, only 4 months prior to the arrest of Dr. York.
This is an obvious conflict of interest as 28 USC § 455(b) states:
“Where in private practice he served as a “lawyer” in the matter in controversy, or a lawyer with whom he previously practiced law during such lawyer has been a material witness concerning it.”
Also in violation of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges Canon 2A which states:
“A judge should respect and comply with the law and should act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.”